
Based in Berlin and created by DJ & Producer Franz Matthews, HIFI/LOFI is a label & publishing house focusing on developing artists close to the worlds of alternative electronic music, indie dance, cosmic & post-disco, spiced up with touches of spiritual psychedelia.

The 'sound' of HIFI/LOFI can be defined by only one thing : Every release coming through the label has been made according to the the 4th Toltec agreement : always do your best. In other words, HIFI/LOFI is all about eclecticism, openness, fun, and acting as an unifying light of every aspect of life & music. Because, we're sure of just one thing: Ain’t no HI’s without the LO’S, everything is connected.

Requests, Showcase Bookings, Demos, Flowers…

Imprint :

Website Owner : Matthieu Brismontier
Adress : Wilhelm-Stolze-Str, 10249 Berlin, Germany
Email : hello(a..t)hifilofirecords.com

Please understand that we can not return unsolicited material submitted, unless a stamped addressed envelope is included. We are not responsible for any lost material.


You can order by internet: https://hifilofirecords.bandcamp.com/


We recognise that your privacy is very important to you and that it is your right to control your personal information. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take that trust seriously.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act (and the Telemedia Act), the following Privacy Policy Statement has to inform the users of this website about the ways, the extent and the purpose personal data is collected and used by the website owner.

HIFI/LOFI Records takes your privacy highly serious and treats your personal data as confidential and in accordance with the legal regulations.


If you register for any of the Services, you will be asked to provide basic personal information. The information is used solely for notifying you of changes or updates to the Website/Services. Further HIFI/LOFI Records will not sell, rent or otherwise disclose any of your personal information, including your email address, to any third party without your consent unless: 1) we are required to by law; or 2) if it is necessary to provide the Services.

HIFI/LOFI Records uses the following tools and practices in order to communicate with our users and inform our marketing efforts:

Cookies: This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that will be stored on your device. Your browser accesses those files. By using cookies, the usability and security of your websites are of a higher quality. The use of cookies is made clear on each website, and you have the option of allowing or denying their use upon your visit. These include cookies for platforms including –

Google Analytics to measure and analyse anonymised platform traffic.

HIFI/LOFI Records website uses “Google Analytics“, a service that offered by Google Inc. , USA, in order to analyse the website usage by its users. The service uses cookies – text files, that are stored on your device. The collected information by using cookies will be transferred to and stored on a Google server based in the USA.

This website realises IP-anonymisation. The users‘ IP address will be shortened in all EU member states and within the European Economic Area. Thanks to the shortage, there is no personal connection to your IP address. The agreement on contracted data processing between the website owners and Google Inc. creates an evaluation of both the website usage and website activity by taking into account the collected data and provides services connected to internet usage.

You can avoid the storage of cookies on your device by making the appropriate settings in your browser. It is not guaranteed that you can make use of all functions of this website without any limitations, if your browser does not allow the use of cookies. Further, by using a browser plug-in you can prevent information, that has been collected using cookies, from being sent to and used by Google Inc. The following link provides you with the required plugin: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en

Facebook in order to create a “pool” of anonymised audience members, based around specific interests or actions, in order to tailor communications and advertising about HIFI/LOFI Records or Artist products only on Facebook-owned platforms.

Google Adwords in order to tailor website and YouTube advertising about HIFI/LOFI Records or Artist products only to relevant, anonymised audience pools.

We add these cookies to platforms such as Toneden for the purpose of analysing who (anonymously) and how users may engage with “buy links” for our Artist & Label products, which platforms or stores they engage with, in order to better tailor communication and provide offers around said products, and also inform our marketing of said products on behalf of our Artists and Labels.

We may also include the pixels from authorised advertising agencies from time to time, at our discretion and only under the terms above. We use third party audio and video embeds on Artist websites in order to provide options for engaging with audio and video content – these embeds may include cookies from the host platform, used in accordance with their own privacy policies.

If you wish to remove cookies from your browser, you are free to do so via your browser’s settings at any time.


We host email lists for the use of email marketing communications, via our website and BandCamp


As soon as you contact our website by using one of the provided contact possibilities, your contact details will be stored in order to be able to process and to reply to your request. Those data will not be passed on to third parties. HIFI/LOFI Records collects, uses and transfers your personal data only, if such actions are within the scope of the statutory framework or if you have agreed to data collection. Personal data are defined as any information that serve to determine your person and can be traced back to your person like your name, your e-mail address, shipping address and your phone number.

Subscription to a newsletter: When you sign up to receive our newsletter, the data you provide will be used exclusively for this purpose.

The consent to the storage of your personal data and their use for the newsletter can be revoked at any time. Each newsletter has a link to it.


HIFI/LOFI Records has implemented technology and security features, as well as strict internal guidelines, to safeguard the privacy of your personal information from unauthorised access or improper use. We employ SSL encryption to secure your personal data and payment information. We will continue to enhance our security procedures as new technology becomes available. While we make every effort to ensure that your information is secure on our system, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk.

HIFI/LOFI Records or the provider of the website collects data about accesses to the page and stores the data as “Server-Logfiles“. The following data is taken down as follows:

Website visited

Current time as the time for access

Amount in byte of data sent

Source/Reference, from which you accessed the website

IP-address used

Browser used

The collected data only serve statistical evaluations and help to improve the HIFI/LOFI Records website. HIFI/LOFI Records reserves the right to subsequently check the “Server-Logfiles“, if concrete indications suggest an unlawful use.

All data entered by a customer during the order process will be saved. This includes:

First name, last name


Payment information

E-mail address

Those data, which are necessary for the delivery or order processing.

If you have any questions about the collection, processing or use of your personal data, information, rectification, blocking or deletion of data and revocation of your consent, please contact us.


Trotz sorg­fäl­ti­ger inhalt­li­cher Kon­trolle über­neh­men wir keine Haf­tung für die Inhalte exter­ner Links. Für den Inhalt der ver­link­ten Sei­ten sind aus­schließ­lich deren Betrei­ber verantwortlich.

Haftungs- und Urheberrechtshinweis (Copyrights)

Alle Sounds, Texte, Bilder, Videos, Animationen und Montagen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und dürfen weder reproduziert noch wiederverwendet oder für gewerbliche Zwecke benutzt werden.

Layouts, graphics, photos and texts are copyright protected. The legal copyright regulations apply. Changes are not permitted. The utilization or the electronic processing of contents of any kind is not permitted without written permission of the publisher. Logos and brands of third parties remain in their property, therefore their regulations expressly apply. The publisher is endeavored to ensure the reliability and topicality of all information. A guarantee or adhesion for completeness, correctness and topicality of all contents as well as for damage, which results from the use of the information, is not taken over.


Laut Beschluss des Landesgerichtes Hamburg vom 12. Mai 1998 sind Anbieter von Webseiten auch für Inhalte von Internetseiten verantwortlich, die durch direkte Hyperlinkverbindung erreicht werden können, sofern man sich nicht ausdrücklich von den Inhalten distanziert. Darum erklärt der Betreiber dieser Webseite hiermit ausdrücklich, dass er die Verantwortung sowie auch die Haftung für die Rechtmäßigkeit und den Inhalt für Webseiten ablehnt, die von dieser Webseite aus erreichbar sind.

Adhesion reference

Although we have checked the contents, we are not liable for the content of the external link as this is the owner of each site.